On Sunday evening May 15th we hosted our 2022 SWLA FCA Coaches/Spouses Night Out at BeauxDines. The theme this year was “The Power of Positive”.
Thank you to the 30 coaching couples who attended, Dr. Errol Wilder for providing our live music, BeauxDines for serving delicious food as well great service, and our SWLA FCA Board for serving.
Jeff Wainwright, Head FB Coach at Grand Lake did an awesome job sharing the importance of Positive motivation of athlete's vs negative motivation.
Andy and Marla Stroup, Baton Rouge, LSU FCA shared 3 “Power of Positive” relationship tips…
1. Never speak negative about your spouse in public. Proverbs 18:12 “Don’t dis the misses”
2. Work hard to understand rather than be understood. James 1:19
3. Look for something good in every situation. “Whatever you look for you will find. ”Matt 7:7
We look forward to seeing coaches and spouses at our 2023 event!